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Social Media as Online Public Space
Should social media companies edit content? Some say no and cite freedom of speech. Others say yes and cite hate speech. What is the way...
Restart Story - Burnout Solution 3 - Positive About Negative Feelings
What we wish for when we are in a negative emotional state is to come out of it. Yet, it's a cycle: the more we want to be out of the...
Restart Story - Burnout Solution 2 - Why the Way Out is the Same For All
The tendency of psychologists and psychiatrists is to focus deeply on the cause of your burnout, depression, grief, and mental breakdown...
Restart Story - Burnout Solution 1 - The Walk
There are plenty of causes to burnout and you will have to give a lot of attention to all of them. But if there is anything that my...
The Devil and The Deity (Short Story)
“Good morning,” said God. “Hey, good morning,” said The Devil, refilling the coffee machine with water. “Coffee?” “Yeah, thanks,” The...
Why Women Love Warriors (Society & Love Story)
Once, I had a Swedish girlfriend. She was, and still is fantastic. So, on my first Saturday night out in Stockholm and I was going to...
Why are people rising up?
Society is a contract. The contract states that we live and let live, through equality and freedom, whatever your view of life. This...
Creative Anxiety Relief
For those of us in a creative job (and who isn't these days) anxiety is part of the work. Creative expression always comes with...
On Art, Telepathy and Storytelling
A few years back I was at this art exhibition that had attracted hundreds of people. The main artwork was a big block of simple perplex...
Storytelling is... (14 laws of storytelling)
Storytelling is always about the journey, never about the destination Storytelling is about embracing friction, not avoiding it...
Quick Storytelling Lesson: Vulnerability
When you're at the beginning of your storytelling practice you can often feel like it's not your place to tell your story. You compare...
Quick Story Lesson: Audience
It’s one of the great questions of art: do I make art for myself or for my audience? The answer is both. Art without an audience is like...
Quick Storytelling Lesson: Emotions
Storytelling is all about emotion. I mean, 'duh', of course it is. Yet I have to mention it because so many people still get this wrong...
Quick Storytelling Lesson: The Journey
All good stories are always about the journey and never about the destination. The end goal of what you do or say is important of course....
Quick Storytelling Lesson: Friction
The first and most important thing in any story – whether it’s a film, video, book, brand, blog, musical, art, scientific or corporate...
Copyright 4 All! The solution to online privacy is copyright law
Even after GDPR, governments, businesses, consumer and civilian rights organizations are still failing at online privacy, and the mood...
Everyone has a story to tell
My dear scientists, artists, writers, musicians, politicians, scientists, Instagram celebs, civil servants, marketers, investors,...
This pandemic is not about us
Just like any good team, The Green Team make mistakes, especially now in survival mode. When that happens, I sharpen my pen, and let us...
Forcing the bright makes the darkness even darker (Anxiety & Burnout)
In a brilliant Christmas episode of the hit tv-series Community , our group of students reaches the conclusion that trying to force...
Do you take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill?
It’s crisis... now you have a choice! The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? We’ve narrowed it down to help you choose. Good luck!!! The Red Pill...
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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